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Oak Ridge Elementary School

Students Learn the Power of Music Through Frenship Foundation Grant

Oak Ridge music teacher Elizabeth Stone created the Bucket Busterz ensemble in the fall of 2022 with a set of donated 5-gallon buckets and some drumsticks she found in their music room closet. Stone says the new music group was a way to facilitate leadership opportunities and friendships within the fifth-grade class.

“After watching our 5th graders blossom last year as part of this ensemble, I decided to write a grant that would allow us to expand our repertoire,” said Stone.

Stone’s Bucket Busterz grant was one of many grants the Frenship Foundation awarded for the 2023-2024 school year. After being surprised with the grant during the annual Prize Patrol celebration, she went to work incorporating the new Remo Rhythm Lids purchased through the grant. This included three different types of lids that make dark, medium, and bright drums when attached to 5-gallon buckets.

“The addition of the rhythm lids has benefited not only our Bucket Busterz ensemble but has also allowed for bucket drumming to be more accessible to students in all grade levels since the rhythm lids allow for the bucket drums to be played as both hand drums and traditional drums,” said Stone. “The students have been really enjoying using the new rhythm lids! They have really enjoyed hearing the timbre of the different drum lids and the combination of sounds when they play as a whole group.”

But it’s sparking more than just a love of music. She says it’s teaching her students that regardless of their backgrounds or their differences, they can come together and connect through the power of music.

“By incorporating activities such as bucket drumming, we create opportunities for students to have hands on experiences that empower them while applying the skills learned in music. These activities also allow every student to be successful and belong,” she said. “I have found that all students, even those that struggle academically, athletically, or socially find their place in the music room and thrive when provided with hands on experiences such as bucket drumming. Music breaks down the walls that divide students. Every student is included and important when they sing or play an instrument together.”

After receiving several Frenship Foundation teacher grants over the last two years, Stone encourages other Frenship teachers to apply for grants to help bring innovative and fun lessons to the classroom. She says the grants help facilitate experiences in the classroom that are otherwise unattainable.

“I would like to say thank you to the foundation and donors for believing in our students and the power of music education. Our students are richly blessed by your continuous support. We cannot thank you enough for being willing to help provide new opportunities and experiences for our students,” said Stone.

The Frenship Foundation Teacher Grant applications for the 2024-2025 are currently open. Frenship teachers can apply for grants through June 5th by CLICKING HERE.
